Wednesday, May 27, 2015

How to use locators in Selenium WebDriver

How to use locators in Selenium WebDriver

Many locator types are used in Selenium WebDriver like id, name, path, css etc. Selenium WebDriver uses locators to interact with elements on a web page.

If you are new to Selenium then check below some of the best posts that will help you in understanding how locators are used in Selenium WebDriver or how to use locators in Selenium WebDriver:

1. How to use Locators in Selenium IDE. [Link]
2. Writing reliable locators for Selenium and WebDriver tests. [Link]
3. How to Identify Web Elements Using Selenium XPath and Other Locators. [Link]
4. Locators – Introduction. [Link]
5. How to Locate Web Elements with Selenium WebDriver? [Link]
6. How to use Locator to identify the WebElement using selenium IDE? [Link]
7. Locators for Selenium. [Link]
8. Selenium WebDriver Element Locators. [Link]
9. Choosing a Locator Strategy. [Link]
10. Locating UI Elements (WebElements). [Link]