Friday, July 31, 2015

Selenium WebDriver & JUnit

Selenium WebDriver & JUnit

JUnit is a popular testing framework which is used to create Selenium WebDriver tests in Java. Below are some of the examples of workings of Selenium WebDriver with Junit whether it be 'Introduction to JUnit Framework and Its Usage in Selenium Script' or 'How to run Selenium WebDriver code with JUnit' and more.

1. Introduction to JUnit Framework and Its Usage in Selenium Script. [Link]
2. Junit Test with Selenium WebDriver. [Link]
3. Selenium JUnit Tutorial for Beginner Java Methods JUnit Selenium IDE Automation RC WebDriver. [Link]
4. JUnit Selenium Tutorial. [Link]
5. Testing a web application with Selenium 2. [Link]
6. How to use JUnit Annotations in Selenium WebDriver Automation Script. [Link]
7. First steps with Selenium and jUnit - any good tutorials? [closed] [Link]
8. How to run Selenium WebDriver code with JUnit. [Link]
9. SauceLabs Java Tutorials. [Link]