Monday, October 20, 2014

WebDriver - Get Elements by Text / XPath

WebDriver - Get Elements by Text / XPath

XPath is one of the location strategies used by Selenium WebDriver to find elements apart from CSS Selector, Id, Tag name etc.

You can go through below links in order to learn about using / writing XPath selectors for Selenium WebDriver tests or simply to learn to use XPath with Selenium:

1. How do I find an element that contains specific text in Selenium Webdriver (Python)? [Link]
2. Webdriver findElements By path. [Link]
3. WebDriver: find elements by text. [Link]
4. Using XPath to identify Web objects from Selenium WebDriver. [Link]
5. Choosing Effective XPaths. [Link]
6. Selenium xpath selector based on the element text. [Link]
7. XPath, CSS, DOM and Selenium: The Rosetta Stone. [Link]
8. Using Selenium, xpath cannot find 'text' element. [Link]
9. Get XPath Count in Selenium WebDriver. [Link]
10. Tutorial: Writing XPath selectors for Selenium tests. [Link]
11. XPath tutorial for Selenium. [Link]
12. How to write Xpath? [Link]
13. How XPath Works in WebDriver. [Link]
14. Xpath [Link]
15. Locating Techniques: Useful XPATH patterns. [Link]
16. Selenium WebDriver findElement(By.xpath()) not working for me. [Link]
17. How to use functions in xpath in selenium. [Link]
18. Selenium – How to write XPath to identify objects? [Link]
19. Working with Xpath and usage in selenium to find WebElement. [Link]