Monday, May 12, 2014

Control Execution Speed - WebDriver

Control Execution Speed - WebDriver

How to control the execution speed while working with WebDriver?, How can I run Selenium at lower speeds?, How to control the speed of running test cases in Selenium 2? - These are some of the questions which are answered by the below links:

1. Selenium - How to control the speed of running the test cases? [Link]
2. Is there any method in WebDriver with Java for controlling speed of browser? [Link]
3. How can I reduce the execution speed in webdriver so that I can view properly what is happening on browser? [Link]
4. 'setSpeed' in Selenium WebDriver using Ruby. [Link]
5. How to control selenium2 speed? [Link]
6. Control Webdriver Execution speed. [Link]
7. Execution speed in webdriver. [Link]
8. How to set speed for my selenium test? [Link]
9. Selenium set speed execution test. [Link]
10. Running Selenium at a lower speed. [Link]
11. How can I run Selenium (used through Capybara) at a lower speed? [Link]